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The Feeds I Read

This will be a recurring feature where I share with you some of the The Feeds I Read.

  1. Tim Bray's blog is the very first blog I followed. He is my idol when it comes to blogs. You can tell he enjoys sharing his thoughts with the world, he is very smart, he puts a tremendous amount of time, energy, and passion in to his writing, and his only strike is that he works for a company that many think won't be around 2 years from now.
  2. A coworkers blog, Dave, doesn't post that often but he usually finds things that I've never heard of. He sleeps in Google bedding, in Google jammies, and with a Google teddy bear. Other than that, he is just your average loser.
  3. Another coworkers blog, Charlie, doesn't post that often either, but when he does he is usually ranting about something. The bad part is whenever he rants he is usually right. Like Dave, he too is a loser.
In all seriousness though, Dave and Charlie are two of the brightest people I know. They make me smarter every day.


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